Sevkiye Ozel Sience High School Turkey Mobility

Teachers and students learned to work on how to manage curriculum topics and project-based work in their classroom using the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 robotic robot.

set and software. They learned and practiced to build suitable robots for the project, motor movements, reading information from sensors,

task completion based on incoming data, line tracking.

Thus, teachers incorporated the concept of “systematic creativity” in their classes and students developed algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills and

the bases of robotics and programming.

Day 1)

Lego Education Introduction

“Lego Serious Play” as a warm-up activity

The presentation of the STEAM-based robotic coding projects at the roby fest organized at the coordinating school


Design and programming of the Lego Mindstorm Ev3 engine

Designing a simple robot

Day 2)

Encoding using EV3

Use of Ev3 sensors in design and programming

The use of the microprocessor

Use of the drive system in robots

A visit to Pamukkale University, TECHNOKENT and the Faculty of Mechatronics to observe their designs and share good practices.

Day 3)

Variable and fixed concepts in programming.

Algorithm design with sensor data

Use of mathematical, logical and comparison operations.

Using random and range blocks

Day 4)

Advanced block and robot communication.

Creating your own block with My Block

Exemplary applications that can be applied in class activities

A Lego Minstorm EV3 workshop

An exhibition and competition of workshop projects there.

Design a robotic arm, a robot that avoids the obstacle, follows a line, etc.

FLL – WRO Processes

Day 5)

The subsequent test

The presentation of Robotic Coding Projects throughout “Code the Future”.

Traditional dance workshop. The students taught each other their traditional dances and a cultural night was held. Final evaluation of the project, Certification.